


International Congresses: “The fall of the Berlin Wall

Congresses were held in 7 European cities (Milan, Toulouse, Брисела, Берлина, Louvain-la-Neuve, Salamanca, Coimbra, Moster) to assess the renewed tensions between European countries and Russia, 30 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall symbolizing the end of the Cold War.

A film was shot with the participation of young Europeans.
Synopsis: After the Second World War, a political and ideological confrontation existed between the two superpowers which were the United States, the Soviet Union and their respective allies. A phoney war in Europe with no cannons or guns…. a cold war!
And for the young generations, this story of the Cold War tends to disappear in a lapse of memory. It is to find out more about this period that Lucas and Emilien, two students accompanied by Ariane, a violinist, travelled to Berlin, a city that saw the concentration of this war’s main tensions in Europe.

Documentary film



Interdisciplinary Congresses Arts-History-Sciences

Memorial worshop in Mostar (ByH)

Info template

EventTaking stock of European Memory policies

The project has been presented to the representatives of remembrance projects selected under the Europe for Citizens programme in 2018 и 2019 and gave them an opportunity to share experience and learn from each other.

It took place on 23-24 October 2019 at Hotel Meliã, La Défense in Paris and The Jean Monnet House, Bazoches-sur-Guyonne.

The event was co-organised by The Jean Monnet House (European Parliament), the European Observatory on Memories (EUROM) and the European Commission in cooperation with the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency.



екпо & radionice: with the Berlin artistРоман Кроке

Роман КРОКЕ је предавач на Берлинском Универзитету уметности у "Екпериментал Сторителлинг".

širom Европе, Роман Кроке усмерава историјске и уметничке радионице у сарадњи са школама, универзитети или друге организације као што су затвори, музеји, темељи - нарочито у контексту школска партнерства, Europe for Citizens projects (historical memory), културног програма размене, екскурзије, студијска путовања или пројекат недеља.

Редовно, he also provides teacher trainings for the National ministries of Education in Germany, France and Switzerland.

Kroke’s artwork is like ‘a pen for Europein the hands of the participants.

Exposition: Музеј Европе

Имамо заједничку прошлост

50година од Римског споразума
аудиовизуелни соба (Видео редитељ: Хуберт ван Руимбеке)created and managed by LOUVRANGES BROADVAST

Преглед културног наслеђа заједнички за све Европљане, из године 1000 до данас …

Два огромна платна 12 метара лицем у лице, батерије за 4 рачунари и 8 пројектори пројектује панорамски филм.